Third Dot

Third Dot is a small danish, branding agency. The central idea of the identity is built around the concept of an elipsis, indicating that there's always more to [the story]. Activating the negative space between the dots gives way to a graphic interpretation of the creative process. Stylistically, the identity draws on a mix between minimalism and brutalism. The work was created while being creative director and partner at Third Dot.





05 Third Dot Brand Identity logo
06 Third Dot Brand Identity logo concept
07 Third Dot Brand Identity logo variations
11 Third Dot brand identity typography text copy
12 Third Dot Motion Graphics Creation Strategy Movement
01 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity desktop casework
02 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity desktop frontpage
03 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity desktop manifesto
04 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity desktop approach
14 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity tablet
15 Third Dot Web Design Brand Identity poster design manifesto
16 Third Dot brand identity typography text approach
17 Third Dot Brand Identity logo repeat
19 Third Dot Brand Identity Social Media Content
18 Third Dot Brand Identity icon repeat Horizontal
22 third dot logo ribbon 3d identity 2

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The end is near...

The end is near...

The end is near...

the end is here.

the end is here.

the end is here.